After Pain-ease Tea

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$10.00 each

After pains tend to increase after second and subsequent babies. On one hand they're a good thing - it means your uterus is involuting to protect you from excessive bleeding ... but on the other hand, as every mother knows, they suck massively and sometimes can feel worse than labour pains!

So here is a tea of comforting, anti-spasmodic and analgesic herbs to help you through the roughest afterpains, to help you get on with the joy of bonding with your new babe and relaxing into motherhood again.

The After Pain-ease Tea contains:

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) - this beautiful herb has been used to reduce menstrual cramps and moderate uterine bleeding and congestion, and to treat spasmodic dysmenorrhoea.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromatica) - this warming uterine healer contains pain-relieving eugenol as well as spasmolytic action to reduce uterine pain and spasm. Warming herbs and teas are used in many cultures to warm and soothe the mother after giving birth. Cinnamon is also known to help boost strength and energy and reduce anxiety and stress. It is an ideal convalescent herb.

Crampbark (Viburnum opulus) - with muscle relaxant and anti-spasmodic actions, this herb also nourishes and soothes the nervous system with its nervine and sedative effects. Helpful for menstraul and post-natal uterine cramps.

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) - this anti-inflammatory herb is well -known for its anti-allergic effects to treat hayfever - but it is also an effective emmenagogue, which induces relaxation in uterine tissues. With analgesic and relaxant properties, it is a uterine bitter that helps reduce uterine tension, spasm and pain.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - this warming herb has been used to treat the pain of spasmodic dymenorrhoea and endometriosis. Ginger relaxes spasm and relieves pain and is very healing for all female organs. It is also soothing for stressed nerves.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) - with relaxant, spasmolytic and mild sedative actions, this is another herb that acts on the uterus and the nervous system simultaneously - just what you need post-birth! Lemon Balm has been used traditionally to help with the birth of the placenta, which points to its usefulness in modulating uterine action.

Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) - this is the ultimate woman's herb, with big love for the uterus, used through the ages to support women through the stages of life from menarche to menopause. It is a uterine astringent, making it useful for strengthening and toning the uterus and moderating excessive bleeding. It is known to "relax and soothe" the uterus and has also been used to treat dysmenorrhoea.

Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) - with anti-spasmodic and hormone-modulating actions, this herb has a special affinity for female reproductive organs. It is helpful for menstrual spasm and ovarian pain, and for reducing the intensity of post natal after pains.

The ginger and cinnamon in this blend makes it a delicious and warming tea to sip on post-natally.

How to Use:
Use a glass or ceramic pot or jug, and avoid metal implements when making herbal teas. Place about a teaspoon (3-4 g) of herbs in your pot or jug, pour on hot water, cover, and allow to steep for about 10 minutes. You can drink the tea hot, warm or cool. You could also add a twist of lemon or lime, or a natural sweetener such as aguave or raw honey, if desired. Store your herbs out of direct sunlight to preserve potency, colour and flavour.

Disclaimer: This information is of a general informational nature and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition. Any health condition should be referred to your chosen health care practitioner. Check with your health care practitioner before commencing to use any herbal tea, and be aware of any personal and family allergies.


  1. Delicious blend & immediate real pain relief
    By on January 1, 2025

    After my second baby I experienced after pains in my uterus/ stomach/ ovaries area. This tea tasted so delicious, I just loved drinking it so much! It felt nourishing, like a hug from a wise faerie grandmother sage. It truly worked too, which was amazing! My pains would just be healed after enjoying the tea. So nice! Once my pains healed completely, I wanted to keep drinking the rest of the tea just for the nice taste, but instead I gifted it to an expecting friend, because it just worked unbelievable wonders for me postpartum, & I want this for all women. Every new mum deserves this care in the form of a warming herbal brew.

  2. Review by thepeacefulhomemaker
    By on April 7, 2019

    I can not recomened this blend enough.
    I actually forgot I had this blend in my package and roughly 8 hours after birth, those nasty after birth pains started and were intense. I got my partner to make me a tea up and within 20 minutes of drinking it they were gone ! I continued to drink a cup every 4-6 hours as I felt the pains start up again and it kept them at bay. Absolutely amazing

  3. Desperate for relief!
    By on October 8, 2018

    Afterpains just seem to get worse the more children you have! Third baby and afterpains are not fun, the tea seems to be helping. As long as I’m drinking it before feeds. It’s actually delicious to drink also. Nice cold as well

  4. Desperate for relief!
    By on October 8, 2018

    Afterpains just seem to get worse the more children you have! Third baby and afterpains are not fun, the tea seems to be helping. As long as I’m drinking it before feeds. It’s actually delicious to drink also. Nice cold as well

  5. Amazing product!
    By on July 30, 2018

    I was gifted a whole range of your womderful teas from some friends when I was pregnant with my second child. By far the stand-out was this one! I had it very quickly after birth and I recovered so easily! I only ever needed one dose of panadol as every time I felt a bit sore, I would have a cup of this tea and it would really ease my pain! Even my husband was impressed what a difference it made. After pains were practically non existent! I would recommend to anyone. Thank you.

  6. Thank you!
    By on May 26, 2018

    The After Pain-ease Tea was amazing and i highly recommend this to any mum to have in their birthing must haves! I started drinking my After Pain-ease tea in the first hours after giving birth to my third baby after our amazing home birth. The after pains were excruciating with my second, but have been very subtle if at all this time around. There were a few occasions when i forgot to have my tea beforehand and definitely noticed the difference. This is also a great (and affordable!) gift for a pregnant friend.

  7. Killer after-pains curbed for sure
    By on April 18, 2018

    I recently used Julie’s After Pain-ease tea, tincture and Soothing Salve after the birth of my third baby. I found the after birth pains quite intense with the birth of my second child and was expecting worse or much the same with my third. I’m happy to report that I believe the tea and tincture greatly helped to alleviate the intensity of the after-pains. Thanks Julie for a great service and product!! Will be recommending to other mums for sure

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