Cold & Flu Blitz Tea

Average Customer Review
$16.00 each

As the temperature falls and we head into winter, this tea is something special to have on the pantry shelf to help the people in your household if any coughs or colds come knocking.

The 'Cold & Flu Blitz' Tea is a delicious blend of some of Nature's best healers to help relieve the symptoms of the common cold. Just opening the packet and sniffing the aromatic scent seems to give a sore throat and headache their marching orders.

With a dab of honey and perhaps a twist of lemon or lime - or simply as is - this is a delicious, warming tea to soothe sore throats, reduce inflammation, combat infection, boost the immune system, reduce fever, relieve nasal & sinus congestion, loosen phlegm and ease coughing.

As with all herbal teas, avoid metal implements, to get the full benefit of the potency of these wonderfully therapeutic herbs. Place a tablespoon of the loose herbs in a ceramic or glass pot or jug. Pour on hot water. Allow to steep for a good 10 minutes. Strain into your chosen cup (see our bamboo strainers here), add honey and citrus if desired - then put your feet up and enjoy the relief. For best results, drink an average 3 cups per day.

You can leave the herbs steeping all day - just strain the concentrated tea, top up with hot water and mmmm.

Herbal teas like this one are for the relief of symptoms, so try taking this one on an empty stomach for best results.

Once the acute symptoms have subsided, and you are taking the tea to nourish and build up your immune system, the tea is best enjoyed with meals.

The 'Cold & Flu Blitz' tea contains:

Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) - a potent natural anti-biotic and anti-viral herb which stimulates and strengthens the immune system. Also has anti-pyretic properties.

(Sambuccus nigra) - an excellent natural remedy for all upper respiratory tract infections. Elderflower has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, diuretic and anti-oxidant effects. Useful for treating influenza, sinusitis, hayfever and loosening accumulated mucuous in the lungs and nasal passages.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) - helps loosen accumulated phlegm. The aromatic oils in Fennel demonstrate anti-septic properties and are useful in treating various infections, especially infections of the respiratory tract.

Hibiscus Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) -rich in anti-oxidants and Vitamin C, Hibiscus stimlates the liver to produce interferon, an immune compound that is part of the body's immune defense system to combat infection.

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora) - reduces nasal and bronchial congestion, has anti-pyretic properties.

Limeblossom (Tilia spp) - a well-known remedy for coughs and colds; contains mucilage components which are soothe and reduce inflammation. Particularly effective when taken with Elderflowers.

(Oreganum vulgare) - a potent anti-septic and anti-bacterial herb, useful for coughs, tonsillitis, bronchitis and asthma.

Rosehip (Rosa canina) - rich in Vitamins A, B group, C and K; also rich in anti-oxidants and an excellent remedy for colds, influenza, coughs and minor infections. It has mild diuretic properties and also contains tannins which make it useful for reducing diarrhoea.

White Willow (Salix alba)- relieves pain and fever, anti-inflammatory, like a "natural aspirin". Although the side effects are far less than those associated with synthetic aspirin, people allergic to synthetic aspirin should avoid using this particular herb. White Willow is not recommended for children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or for those allergic to aspirin, so if you are wanting to use the Cold & Flu Blitz for the whole family, we'll leave out this ingredient.

Pregnancy-friendly, breastfeeding-friendly and kid-friendly blends of the Cough & Cold Blitz tea are available. Just leave me a note in comments at check out.

Here is the testimonial of a family who had great results with the Cough & Cold Blitz herbal tea! After weeks of everyone being sick and miserable on a merry-go-round of winter colds, the Cough & Cold Blitz brought remarkable and rapid improvement, much to this mother's relief.

For over a month this house was infested with colds and flu. Snotty noses, coughs, conjunctivitis, sore throats - you name it, we had it. As soon as one person started feeling better, everyone else would be sick and drag them back down with them. We had antibiotics, fruit coming out our ears, fluids, hand sanitiser, soap at every tap, boxes and boxes of tissues on every surface considered flat enough - it was HORRIBLE. (I bought) a packet of Cough & Cold Blitz Tea (from Blissful Herbs) ...When it arrived, I could smell it while it was still inside the letterbox!We opened it as we were heading out and the car was FILLED with the most delightful aroma!! I couldn't WAIT until we got it home! As soon as we got in our front door, I had the kettle boiling and the mugs set up. Just waiting for the kettle to boil - leaving the package open, the kitchen smelt so clean and fresh! By day three, the continuous fluro green discharge from the kids noses had completely dried up! The racking coughs were gone and their energy level had (picked up).I simply couldn't believe it! It was that quick.Since then, I have noticed that if they miss their daily Cough & Cold Blitz tea, they will get snuffly and a random cough will crop up here and there. So we have kept up with the teas. And we haven't been sick since!


Disclaimer: This information is based on empirical and traditional herbal medicine. It is of a general informational nature and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition. Any health condition should be referred to your chosen health care practitioner. Check with your health care practitioner before commencing to use any herbal product, and be aware of any personal and family allergies.


Try the RAVEN  essential oil blend - which contains Camphor, Lemon, Wintergreen, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata. The oils of this blend combat respiratory disease and infection such as influenza and the common cold. These oils are considered to be highly antiviral and antiseptic. This is an excellent oil blend to have at hand through the winter months and whenever respiratory viruses are a concern. Click HERE for help with obtaining this blend.



  1. Cold and flu tea and magic cough mixture
    By on June 30, 2022

    My son and I were both down with Covid. My son had this most annoying cough that was driving us both of us crazy. I got some of the tea and cough syrup into him and it cleared up by the end of the day. I was really fatigued and the next day I was out in the garden.. Magical stuff! Thank Julie

  2. Magic!
    By on July 23, 2019

    I am currently pregnant a got a cold last week. Sipping on this tea (the Pregnancy version) all throughout the day was so wonderful and healing! I felt like my body worked through the different symptoms quickly. I've bought another packet so that I never go without. Highly recommend!

  3. Yum
    By on June 28, 2019

    I'm never doing the 'flu again without some of this on the pantry shelf. I swear it makes such a difference and reduces the symptoms and misery by half. I don't know how it works or why but it does. Gotta have some to get through winter.

  4. Yum
    By on June 28, 2019

    I'm never doing the 'flu again without some of this on the pantry shelf. I swear it makes such a difference and reduces the symptoms and misery by half. I don't know how it works or why but it does. Gotta have some to get through winter.

  5. Must have
    By on March 28, 2019

    Love this tea. I make sure I buy a new batch each Autumn. It's a must have in our families winter fight the bug cabinet. The kids all love it with a bit of honey.

  6. It's a miracle ...
    By on July 24, 2018

    I have the worst immune system ever (i just need to walk past someone with a cold and i'll get it). My house mate had a cold so we both drank the Cold and Flu Blitz tea. She was better in 4 days and I didn't get sick at all! You are a miracle worker Thank you for working magic! I can't wait to use the other two teas and let them work their magic too. I'm well impressed, nothing has ever stopped me from getting sick before, your products are amazing.

  7. Cold & Flu Tea
    By on July 5, 2018

    If I happen to get a runny nose and I can feel a cold coming on, I start to take the Cold & Flu Tea two or three times a day and it really knocks out the cold before it has a chance to get bad. I can't remember been sick in years. I am not sure how it works but it really does the trick. Ten times better than any pharmaceutical drug. Thank you so much.

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