Dark Yew Umbilical Cord Tie

$9.50 each

The Dark Yew thread entwines a dark forest green around paler turquoise hues of the same shade.

It's a pure deep green that leans more towards blue than yellow. That will make sense if you are a connoisseur of green!

It's really similar to the Xavier - but has slightly more of the darker green than the Xavier, which has more of the paler shades tending to silver.

So, consider the Dark Yew are darker version of the Xavier.

Each cord tie is hand-crafted by me personally and includes a little centre bead.

This cord tie is available in Mandala, Daisy and Loveheart patterns.

I can also make you a matching wrist band. Click on 'Option' and the drop down menu will appear so you can select the items you want.

NOTE: If you are buying only a cord tie with no other products, please note the option to select cord tie + postage for $12.00

This will save you paying $8.95 in postage for just one cord tie!

Just let me know in the comments at check out if you want a Mandala, Loveheart or Daisy.


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