Eczema Blitz topical herbs

$30.00 each

This is a blend of soothing herbs to help ease inflammation, prevent infection and promote skin healing.
The herbs can be placed in a muslin bag (an old stocking works fine). Place the sachet in a non-metallic jug or bowl. Pour on enough hot water to cover it. Let it steep for a good 10 minutes. Now you'll have a "tea-like" herbal liquid. This can be added to a bath or baby bath (along with the wet sachet). Or you can soak soft cloths in the herbal liquid to place on affected areas. Or, add the herbal liquid to a cleansing bottle to drizzle over affected areas. This is handy for between baths, and at nappy-change time.

The Eczema Blitz herbs include:

(Calendula officinalis)- an astringent herb with anti-inflammatory properties. Calendula is wonderful for the skin and is considered to be an effective remedy for eczema, as well as an excellent moisturiser.

 (Matricaria recutita) - this calming herb also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Clinical trials showed some remarkable results in the management of eczema. Chamomile promotes healing and relieves itching and burning discomfort.

Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum officinale) - contains natural anti-inflammatory properties due to the allantoin found in this herb, and can be used externally to treat dryness, itching and eczema lesions. (Safety precaution: do not use this herb if skin is broken or weepy. This herb is not to be taken internally.)

Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) - the tannins in this herbs form a protective layer over irritated tissues and make it a soothing lotion herb for skin irritations including eczema

Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) - has pain-relieving, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Very soothing for irritated skin. Lavender is also considered to hold calming properties. This makes it useful for eczema flare-ups related to stress.

 (Avena sativa) - provides a soothing herbal healing wash for various skin conditions including eczema. Ideal for soothing itching and irritations of the skin. Rolled Oats (oatmeal) in a stocking is a common home remedy to soothe sore skin - the Oatstraw herb has similar effects.

Plantain (Plantago lanceolate) - this herb is highly antiseptic, with anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. It is considered to help speed wound healing and reduce itching and is useful for treating eczema.

The Eczema Blitz herbs come with a handy draw-string muslin bag in which to place the herbs.

I can also add a handful of organic steel cut oats to your herbs if you wish.

After the bath, compress or rinse, another lovely product that may have benefits for dry skin and eczema and dermatitis is the Soothing Salve - I recommend the blend that contains the hemp oil, as well as the wonderful herb-infused olive oil, rosehip oil, coconut oil and the most propolis-rich, hand-farmed beeswax I have ever found.

Disclaimer: This information is based on empirical and traditional herbal medicine. It is of a general informational nature and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition. Any health condition should be referred to your chosen health care practitioner. Check with your health care practitioner before commencing to use any herbal product, and be aware of any personal and family allergies.


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