International Birth Kit

$75.00 each

If you live outside Australia, I'm sure you're well aware of the exorbitant postage involved in posting internationally!

But I have figured out the most economical way for you to not get stung by the postage.

If your total package weight is under 500g, then your options for posting to the Americas are:

- Economy Air, which takes 6 business days: $17.00 AUD = $12.00 USD

- Standard, which takes 5 business days: $24.00 = $17.00 USD

- Express, which takes 4 business days: $41.35 = $30.00 USD

( I know, right. $17.00 is more than plenty to have to pay!!)

Now I know that it says "6 business days" but I'd allow up to 4 weeks ... there's been delays due to security concerns, apparently.

To help you get the best value out of your postage, I've created some birth packages that weigh very close to 499g gross weight!


International Birth Kit 1: Over The Oceans:

- 60g Post Natal Bliss bath herbs in muslin bag, or Pregnant Mama Bliss bath herbs

- Peri bottle

- 70g Pregnancy Bliss Tea, OR Birth Vibes Tea

- 35g Breastfeeding Bliss Tea, OR Babymoon Bliss Tea

- 20g Birthing Bliss Tea OR After Birth Tea

- 20 ml Soothing Salve in amber glass jar

- 30 ml After Pain-ease Tincture, OR No Bleed Tincture, OR Birth Boost Tincture

- hand-crafted umbilical cord tie (made personally by me!)

- 20 ml Nipple Bliss Balm

This kit is worth $77.50 and is offered to you at the special package price of $72.50


International Birth Kit 2: The New Mother Kit:

- 2 x 60g Post Natal bath herbs in muslin bags

- Peri bottle 

- 20g Birthing Bliss Tea in 4 indivudual tea bags

- 20g After Birth Bliss Tea in 4 individual tea bags

- 35g Babymoon Bliss Tea

- 35g Breastfeeding Bliss Tea

- 20 ml Nipple Bliss Balm

- 30 ml Soothing Salve

This kit is worth $55.00 and is available to you for $50.00 plus postage.



Remember to let me know in a note at check out your preferences for:

- which cord tie

- which 70g tea

- which 35g tea

- which 20g tea

- which tincture


If you're ordering for your up-coming birth, to save disappointment, I suggest ordering a good SIX WEEKS prior to your EDD so that there's time for me to prepare your order (give me a good week! Sorry! One woman band here!) plus take into account the super slow post and extra security measures.


USA customers: please let us know which STATE you are from in 'Comments'

Useful additions for your birth kit:

Goldenseal Capsules for cord care

Herbal Honey for perineal healing

Yunnan Bai Yao Capsules

Acupressure Birthing Comb

Contraction Helper Roller Ball

Partum Panties

Greeny underpads



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