Love Your Lymph Tea

$13.50 each

The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system. It is home to our immune system, is an accessory to our waste removal systems and eliminatory organs, and a part of the nutritive process.

The lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessels, nodes (including the spleen) tissues, and fluid. 

Here are some of the jobs the oft-times overlooked lymphatic system does for you:

- Vital part of your immune system

- The spleen acts as a blood reservoir, circulates waste down to be removed, and nutrients up into the body to help build and nourish cells. It is also responsible for the destruction of old red blood cells, and assisting their passage to the liver for further conjugation and processing for elimination.

- The lymphatic system is responsible for around 90% of nutrient absorption through the villa in the small intestine. The system also returns fluid, and fats to the liver to be prepared for blood circulation to round out the digestive and nutritive process.

The nodes support detoxifying and eliminatory organs by filtering toxins from lymph fluid before returning said ?fluids to interface with the blood.

- Lymphatic nodes produce some white blood cells.

- Lymphoid tissues have several important organs. One such organ is the thymus gland. It produces T cells. As we reach puberty the thymus grows. At puberty, when sex hormones begin production, it begins to atrophy and is replaced by fat. 

- The tonsils trap and collect bacteria and viruses as we inhale, protecting the rest of our body.

Signs of lymphatic deficiency include slow recuperation when ill, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, asthma or hay ?fever & poor digestion of fats.

Symptoms of Lymphatic Deficiency: recuperates slowly when ill, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, asthma or hay ?fever, digests fat poorly

Signs of spleen deficiency include edema, anemia, dampness in the stomach and swollen lymph nodes. There is decreased immune function, loss of appetite and decreased digestive function.

This lovely tea is a blend of safe and gentle depurative herbs to enhance the function of the lymphatic system, to improve its ability to flush out toxins, decrease congestion, and reduce swelling.

With 100% Australian Certified Organic -

Symptoms of Lymphatic Deficiency: recuperates slowly when ill, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, asthma or hay ?fever, digests fat poorly

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) - this immune-enhancing and tonic adaptogen root offers the lymph system several cleansing and healing benefits. It can ease congestion and swelling. It may be helpful for chronic immune deficiency and fatigue and debility. It is best avoided during the acute phase of an infection but is ideal to use before and after - to maintain the immune system and prevent infection, and to support the body to heal and recover after illness, for example, for post-viral syndrome.

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) - a diaphoretic, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant and lymphatic herb. May help with poor immune function, chronic recurrent bacterial and viral infections with swollen lymph nodes (tonsillitis and strep), jaundice with swollen liver, acute bacterial and viral infections and topically for pain with deep or surface wounds.

Cleavers (Gallium aparine) - stimulates lymphatic circulation, A diuretic and anti-inflammatory in the lymphatic system and urinary tract, alterative & nervine tonic. May be helpful for urinary tract infections, chronic skin rashes and issues, rashes associated with food allergies, hard lymph node swellings, blood tonic formulas, post cancer treatment to help restore lymphatic balance and function, strep throat and tonsillitis. It is a tissue and lymphatic decongestant that improves how tissue manages inflammation

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) - used as a detoxifying and purifying agent; it can grow in extremely polluted environments, and therefore has resistance to an array of harmful substances. It is considered to be helpful for cleansing the lymph system of any built-up waste. As a choloretic, is also supports liver function.

Echinacea (Echinacea augustifolia) - This herb has properties that have a powerful immune-enhancing effect, and can also be used as an anti-inflammatory. Combined with astragalus, it can lessen congestion and swelling in the lymphatic system.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) - stimulates lymph, diuretic, mild diaphoretic, carminative, anti-spasmodic, muscle relaxant (in lungs, stomach, bladder, and large intestines), anti-nausea, mild expectorant, emmenagogue & galactagogue. Has an affinity for the lymphatic system including the spleen. May be helpful for water retention with UTI or liver disease or dysfunction, for gas, bloating and nausea when eaten, to ease griping, for colic in all (including infants), for digestive diseases especially with poor nutrient absorption and swollen liver, for breast tenderness and swelling with menstruation and as a galactogogue to support breastmilk supply. 

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - the warming and anti-inflammatory actions of this rhizome make it helpful to stimulate peripheral circulation as well as lympthatic circulation.

Nettle (Urtica dioica) - gently stimulates the lymphatic system and supports to body to cleanse of toxins. It also has anti-rheumatic and anti-allergic properties, so may be helpful for arthritis, rheumatism urticaria and hayfever.

I have carefully selected these herbs to make a tea that is suitable to consume during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Other herbs that may be added if you are *not* pregnant or breastfeeding include Wild Indigo Root, Pokeroot & Violet Leaf


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