Post Ovulation Tea

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$13.50 each

This is a blend of nourishing herbs to support progesterone levels in the luteal phase and during early pregnancy.

This tea may be used by itself, or in conjunction with the TTC Bliss tea.

During cycles where you are consciously trying to conceive, a nice regime may be: drink the TTC BLiss tea up until ovulation, then from that time on until either the pregnancy is confirmed or your bleed ensues, drink the Post Ovulation Tea.

1 tbsp of tea per cup, 3-4 cups per day, is ideal.


Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) - Prolactin inhibitor, dopaminergic agonist and indirectly progesterogenic. A report offered in the August 2000 issue of "Research in Complementary Medicine" indicated that chasteberry increased progesterone during certain parts of the menstrual cycle. The supplement increased the hormone immediately before menstruation, but not at other points. Vitex boosts LH production in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle which, in turn, supports increased progesterone production by the corpus luteum. German research shows Vitex may help prevent miscarriage due to low progesterone levels when used through the end of the third month of pregnancy.

Dill (Anethum graveolens) - a carminative and aromatic digestive herb; rich in anti-oxidants. This plant also affects your body's hormones. An experiment presented in the October 2006 edition of "Phytotherapy Research" showed that large doses of dill increased progesterone and lengthened reproductive cycles. The herb appeared safe as no toxic effects were observed in this study.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) - rich in anti-oxidants and Vitamin C, this flavour-some herb is included for its lovely tangy, fruity taste.

Nettle (Urticia dioica) - a highly nutritious 'dark green leafy' herb, rich in magnesium, which supports progesterone, that supports elimination pathways and thus hormone clearance.

Oatstraw (Avena sativa) - a calming, soothing herb that supports the nervous system, and, being rich in B Vitamins, also supports progesterone production in the body.

Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) - an astringent, uterine toning herb, rich in many vital nutrients

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) - has progesterone balancing effects and boosts the body’s ability to increase progesterone.

Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) considered to contain pre-cursors to progesterone production; however, topical applications of this herb are not proven to provide this support.


How to use the tea:

Place 1 tablespoon (8 g approximately) of herbs, per cup of tea you'd like to make, into a tea pot (an old jam jar works perfectly).

Pour on approximately 150 ml hot water, just off the boil, per cup of tea.

Cover and steep for 10 minutes.

Pour through a strainer into your chosen drinking receptacle.

Add a twist of lemon or lime, or a dab of natural sweetener like honey or agave, if you like.

Enjoy your tea hot, warm or over ice.

Drink 3-4 cups daily.

Disclaimer: This information is based on empirical and traditional herbal medicine. It is of a general informational nature and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition. Any health condition should be referred to your chosen health care practitioner. Check with your health care practitioner before commencing to use any herbal product, and be aware of any personal and family allergies.




  1. MAGIC!
    By on July 30, 2024

    I cannot believe I’m the first to review this tea! I’ve had problems with my progesterone, lots of cramps, spotting etc. but after having this for 2-3 cycles I fell pregnant. I cannot thank you enough!

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