Sage Matcha Deodorant Paste

$10.95 each
Our Sage & Matcha Deodorant Paste smells amazing & the texture is just perfect.

Smooth it on with the back of the wood spoon provided - or just use your fingers!

It is 100% all natural, with Sage-infused Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Zinc Oxide & Zinc Ricinoleate, Vitamin E, Arrowroot, Cornflour, Sodium Bicarbonate & Matcha Green Tea powder.

Added to this are essential oils of Clary Sage, Lavender & Palmarosa - all known to assist with reducing BO.

This product does not clog your pores or stop you from perspiring. Instead, it promotes a naturally balanced environment on the skin, neutralising the acid in sweat and eliminating underarm bacteria, and so, preventing body odour. And - it does not affect your hormone balance as it contains no endocrine disruptor chemicals.

I hope you love this new addition to your natural care routine.


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