Sleep Drops

$26.50 each

This herbal extract includes calming herbs to help you wind down and relax into restful sleep. 

This product contains herbs extracted in alcohol.


Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia erythrina) - analgesic, spasmolytic and mild sedative actions, helpful for nerve-generated pain, headaches, anxiety and emotional stress, and insomnia.

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) - reduces anxiety, reduces muscle spasm, is a mild sedative and hypnotic. Helpful for sleep onset and to help you stay asleep longer. Also helpful for anxiety and irritability and for tension headache and nervous tachycardia.



How to use:

Place two droppersful (about 5 mls) in a little water or juice and drink at bedtime.

The dose may be repeated if you wake in the night.

The total daily dose is 15 ml maximum, in divided doses.

SAFETY NOTE: The Sleep Drops are NOT suitable during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or for children under the age of 15, as Jamaica Dogwood is not recommended for children.

Please advise if you need the Jamaica Dogwood replaced with a different herb.

Please see the Lullaby Bliss tea & bath herbs if you are looking for sleep support for children.


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