Vaginal steaming is a ancient remedy that our fore-mothers used in ages past to enhance menstrual well-being, nourish the womb and nurture the woman.
Yoni steams are used by Maya midwives and traditional healers in Central and South America to cleanse the uterus.
This gentle, nurturing remedy is known to decrease flow and lessen pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation. It can also be useful for uterine weakness, irregular menstrual cycles, endometriosis, and for supporting the healing of previous vaginal tears or episiotomy.
It is a lovely self-care ritual that any woman can do, using fresh herbs from her own garden, or dried herbs.
All you need is a slatted chair of some sort. A commode chair will work perfectly. The more comfy the better.
And a bowl of steaming herbs which you place beneath the chair.
The woman de-clothes from the waist down, and sits in the chair over the bowl of herbs, with warm blankets around her, creating a "tent" over the chair and the herbs below. It's like a sauna for your yoni!
Make sure she is comfy, no draughts, the steam not too hot, and let her stay there like that for about 20 minutes. I use our rice cooker, with the bowl just above it, to keep the temperature just right. Experiment to find out a system that works to keep everything nice and warm.
This is a lovely ritual for the evening time (when all is quiet after dear Little Ones are asleep) so the woman can go straight to bed under warm covers, immediately after her Yoni Bliss.
This treatment is a gentle way to apply warmth and healing plant oils to the tissues vagina, cervix and womb and ovaries.
When to have a Yoni Bliss steaming:
* three times within the week before your period begins
* every two weeks to enhance fertility
* four times per year for preventative care
You can use herbs and petals from your own garden. Try Calendula, lavender, thyme, oregano, sage, rose, plantain or rosemary.
The Blissful Herbs Yoni Bliss steaming herbs contain:
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) - with wonderful healing properties as well as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-viral actions
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) - pain relieving and soothing, with anti-spasmodic action. Also highly antiseptic.
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) - another potent natural antiseptic, rich in healing anti-oxidants.
Yarrow (Achellia millefolium)- astringent and healing
Oregano (Oreganum vulgare)- contains potent antiseptic properties and is particularly helpful for cleansing the womb
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)- with diaphoretic, antispasmodic, tonic, nervine and emmenagogue properties. Beneficial for the reproductive tract and wonderful for soothing and calming the nerves.
Squaw Vine (Partridgeberry - Mitchella repens)- with parturient, diuretic, tonic and astringent properties. Beneficial for all uterine complaints. Traditionally used for a few weeks before birth to support safe and easy childbirth.
And now, we have a beautifully written and illustrated e-book by Erin Black & Katherine Eden-Lech, FREE with every purchase of Yoni Bliss Steaming Herbs. This handy booklet steps you through how to go about yoni steaming in the privacy and comfort of your own home.